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Diamo spazio alla fantasia! Creiamo un logo!


La creazione del logo è stata la prima attività per i nostri alunni.

Con l'aiuto delle docenti di arte, hanno dimostrato di possedere tanta creatività e talento artistico.

Cartoline natalizie
A dicembre abbiamo realizzato cartoline natalizie da inviare a tutti i partner. Sono state disegnate riproducendo i loghi disegnati dai nostri ragazzi.
Poster "How to protect the climate"
Per realizzare il poster che parteciperà alla competizione tra le nazioni partner, abbiamo pensato a tanti gesti ecologici che ognuno di noi può attuare nel suo piccolo, in ogni ambiente in cui vive quotidianamente: a scuola, a casa, all'aperto. Abbiamo scattato foto.........
Poster How to protect the climate.jpg

.....e scelto le migliori per la realizzazione del poster. Abbiamo scritto le didascalie in inglese e francese, e realizzato infine il poster:

Letter to the Earth
In occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Terra, che si celebra il 22 aprile, abbiamo voluto parlare al nostro pianeta. Lo abbiamo fatto sotto forma di poesia, di canzone, di video.
Dear Earth -

Today we are locked

The millenary olive tree



Hi earth and Hi to all of you, I’m a millenary olive tree like a lot there in Apulia.

Today, I don’t want to talk to you of lu sule, lu mare e lu jentu (the sun, the sea and the wind) of my country, my beautiful country, with the Trullis and the Masseries, but of all the bad things that humans did from when I birn, in the 750 b.c., until now, in the 2020.

I saw my beautiful sea, that sea that every year take here people from all the word just for a buth in a crystalline water, become black for all the petroleum that a selfish human has trown in our sea, that sea that was populed from fish that are now really rare, not just here but in all the word, because this isn’t a problem just of my country, but of all our word, that sea that sometimes tries to be heard from the humans, but that many and many people don’t heard or don’t want to heard.

I saw my pure hair become dirt, dirt because an human wanted to go to find mussels, that than he didn’t eat, with his big car that use 1l of gasoil par km, when he could just walk, because he live in a house, an house that’s build where there where kmters and kmtrs of nature, at three minutes from the sea, but no, he have to go by car. But don’t say that is because he is Italien, ore things like this, because this happend in Italy, in Franch, in USA and in Korea too. because humans are all the same. Because you don’t know what you are doing, because anyone understaind what he has until he doesn’t have it any more.

I saw rivers of different kind of birds and animals forced to go away from their milleniam home, on my foliage, that an human cut for go in a church to say that the world of God is fantastic, bee looked in a iron cage, and bee brought in a zoo where someone has the courage to say “the animal are ok”. But this isn’t trought, because if Nature created all that she created there’s a meaning, that i don’t think is that one of create something to make it destright from a little maggot that than for don’t work for one hour goes in the streets in a marches whose theme is the envirament.

I saw forests been replaced from a street that anyone uses… oh no… someone use them, yes, someone that, for the thrill of the illegality, drops matresses, low batteries, their pets, that someone took from their mum for do a orrible life in a house vithout love, and other wast, drops from their car that use 1l of gasoil par km.

At the end of all, I understand that human are like a king that suppresse all thir servants, all the things that the Nature or God did for them. Humans are like Queen Marie Antoinette, that ate kg and kg of that that others did, others that couldn’t eat. But like the servants started a revolution, at the same way Nature can start a revolution, and if we continue to give littles brioches, and not the brad, like we’re doing now, the Nature would start a revolution.

Dear Earth how are you? -

This is for you dear Earth

World Earth Day 2020

Dear Mother Earth,

if we look at you from the space, you seem to be fine, but actually you are injured.

We human begins are hurting you.

We are polluting your oceans, seas, rivers and lakes with plastic and different types of poison.

We are polluting your air, the same one we breath, even though it is essential for our life, because your breath is ours.

We are killing your animals much more than our needs.

We invented wars, that could wipe you out in no time.

We pretend to ignore that you cannot continue to support this massacre.

Our life depends on yours, so keeping you healthy should be the priority.

Perhaps floods, droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes, even this COVID-19 pandemic, are signs of your rebellion against us, the way you scream your pain for not being reciprocated or respected for all that you have given us.

I apologize for any damage that we human beings do to your health.

Dear Earth,

over the years we think you have seen many generations of men and we are certainly not among the best.

Your beauty is not respected, valued and indeed, very often, it is defaced.

We young people today, are committed to "cushioning" the consequences of the not too healthy life we lead.

Although the seas are polluted, the woods are gradually destroyed and the air becomes increasingly saturated with harmful gases, you NEVER lose your beauty, your immensity and your strength.

If you could talk about complaints, you would have many.

Covid-19 is probably your revenge against us because now that we are forced to stay at home the pollution is gradually decreasing and you "rest".

You are the most important "legacy" that we will leave to the next generations and if your well-being involves being more attentive to our lifestyle, we will commit ourselves.

Le nostre piccole azioni per combattere i cambiamenti climatici
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